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- Highlights of the Findings of the U.S. Global Change Research Program Climate Science Special Report. The statements below highlight past, current, and projected climate changes for the United States and the globe. Global annually averaged surface air temperature has increased by about 1.8°F (1.0°C) over the last 115 years (1901–2016.
- Ground-level ozone. Also separate from global warming (but still important), there is a human-made ozone layer that is closer to us on the surface, known as ground-level ozone, created by chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides and volatile oxygen compounds (known as VOCs). VOCs are a byproduct of gasoline vapors, car exhaust, industrial.
According to the report by the US Global Change Research Program, as found in the Human Health Sector, With air conditioning reaching near saturation. Vulnerability to ozone effects is greater for those who spend time. This is the end of the preview.
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