Mathcad Ray Tracing Programs

General resources on the Web LaserFest Website commemorating the 50 th. Ray tracing with OSLO-EDU. OSLO662_EDU_Installer.exe, OSLO Optics Reference.pdf, OSLO User Guide.pdf., Matlab, or Mathcad, and links to a few examples and tutorials are provided below. Sep 27, 2010  This is a tour-de-force package of ray-tracing code. Its not for the faint-of-heart, but it is well-documented and looks to be very well vetted. There is a routine missing as noted in some other reviews, but it can be found under GPS Coordinate Transformations by the same author. MATHCAD'S PROGRAM FUNCTION and APPLICATION IN TEACHING OF MATH DE TING WU Depart of Math Morehouse College Atlanta, GA.30314, USA 1. Introduction 1.1 About Mathcad Mathcad is one of popular computer algebra system (math software) in the world. In this section we 'll use Mathcad's program function to write programs to perform. Ray tracing is a technique that can generate near photo-realistic computer images. A wide range of free software and commercial software is available for producing these images. Links on Optical Design and Engineering. Entry-Level Ray-Tracing Package for Mathematica. Beam propagation toolbox for MatLab and MathCad. What free software is out there for visualizing optic ray tracing? Update Cancel. It’s just like the proprietary programs Zeemax or Code V, but a bit more complicated to use and less powerful. A light version of WinLens is availible at the Qioptiq website: WinLens: Home.

Version 1.31
Developer: Yury Petrov
Optometrika library implements analytical and iterative ray tracing approximation to optical image formation using Snell’s and Fresnel’s laws of refraction and reflection.
Currently, the library implements refractive and reflective general surfaces, aspheric (conic) surfaces with astigmatism, Fresnel surfaces, cones and cylinders (elliptic too), planes, circular and ring-shaped apertures, rectangular flat screens, spheroidal screens, and a realistic model of the human eye with accommodating lens and spheroidal retina. See example*.m files for examples of ray tracing in general (user-defined shape) lenses, aspheric lenses, Fresnel lenses, prisms, mirrors, and human eye.

The library traces refracted rays, including intensity loss at the refractive surface. Reflected rays are currently traced for mirrors and also for a single total internal reflexion or double refraction, if it happens. Note that the Bench class object is not a real physical bench, it is only an ordered array of optical elements, and it is your responsibility to arrange optical objects in the right order. In particular, if you need to trace rays passing through the same object multiple times, you have to add the object multiple times to the bench array in the order the object is encountered by the rays. For example, double refraction/reflection for cylindrical and conical surfaces can be calculated by adding the surface twice to the bench.

The library is very compact and fast. It was written using Matlab classes and is fully vectorized. It takes about 2 seconds to trace 100,000 rays through an external lens and the human eye (8 optical surfaces) on a 3 GHz Intel Core i7 desktop. Fresnel lens tracing is somewhat slower due to looping through the Fresnel cones describing the lens surface. Tracing through user-defined (general) surfaces is significantly slower due to iterative search of ray intersections with the surface.

Thank you for downloading Optometrika, enjoy it!

List of examples:

example1.m: tests the basic functionality of the Optometrika library
example2.m: demonstrates the Optometrika's optical model of the human eye
example3.m: demonstrates accommodation of the human eye by minimizing the retinal image
example4.m: tests a ring lens with the cosine surface profile defined in coslens.m
example5.m: tests planar mirrors
example6.m: tests planar and parabolic mirrors (a Newtonian refractor telescope)
example7.m: tests a Fresnel lens
example8.m: tests a lens with polynomial aspheric terms
example9.m: tests cone mirrors
example10.m: tests cylinder and cone surfaces with double refraction
example11.m: demonstrates ray tracing for rays originating inside the human eye
example12.m: draws a lens and determines its front surface, back surface, and total height. Makes an animated gif of the lens and an engineering drawing of the lens.
example13.m: tests refraction through the lens edge and backward rays refraction (sub-aperture Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope)
example14.m: tests refraction through a lens with astigmatism (different vertical and horizontal radii of curvature)
example15.m: simulates a hexagonal array of spherical micro lenses
example16.m: demonstrates STL export of various lenses

PropLab ProTorrent search.

PropLab Pro 3 is available since 2007. It comes with a new interface. It is always the best simulation program available to date for the advanced amateur or the professional.

PropLab Pro is a down-sized version of IRI and includes also the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF). It is dedicated to simulation at high resolution and with accuracy of ray-trace signals through a realistic two- or three-dimensional view of the ionosphere.

The ray-tracing mode is like hop-testing as it just goes forward for a given choice of radiation angle and the calculation stops if the trace is lost to infinity or stops in the vicinity of the receiver. But the main problem with that approach is that the hops may either fall short or go beyond the target, making it a slow, iterative process to get the path for RF from point A with point B. Beside that, the user would have to evaluate the suitability of the path, whether the number of E-hops would make it too lossy or otherwise.

The 2-D case comes fairly close to dealing with the problem in a proper sense by putting in the appropriate ionosphere for each hop on the path, considering date, time and SSN. But it does not take into account terrain, such as the slope of the ground nor the nature of the reflecting surface. Taking one hop at a time, the calculation does takes into account the change in height of the ionosphere but not any tilts or gradients. That is left for the 3-D case.

The three-dimensional ray-tracing is based on solving equations of motion for the ray path. There are equations for the path advance along and upward in the great-circle (longitudes) as well as the motion perpendicular to that plane, including the skewing of paths in the HF, mainly to take into account the magneto-ionic effect on the top band of 160 meters (Appleton's theory on gyration of ionospheric electrons).

Here are some features handled by PropLab Pro : Ionospheric Tilts, Chordal Hops, Non-Great-Circle Propagation, Spitzes, Effects of the Earth's Magnetic Field, Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays, Electron collisions, Electron density, Signal Ducting (Inter-Layer Reflections), Gray-Line Enhancements, Signal Strength of Ordinary or Extraordinary Rays, and global maps like MUF, FOT, including antenna radiation patterns.

Optical Ray Tracing Programs

Now at version 3, PropLab Pro is available for all Windows 32-bit platforms. License from $240. No trial version but a free manual is available. A forum is open to users.