Avr Gcc Example Program

What language are you using. If it happens to be avr-gcc then almost everything you need is here. The example boot_program_page. Tutorial – Writing your first AVR C program – Blinking LED This is a simple blinking LED program. We will look at basic structure and cover specifics about the syntax. @BrettAM The GCC-AVR toolkit as the Arduino UNO is the target board and uses a Atmel AVR chip, as I am sure you know. Thanks for the call out to ambiguity in my question. And yes I know that there is a much bigger difference.

Note [1]

Note [2]

Note [3]

Note [4]

Note [5]

Note [6]

Note [7]

Interrupt functions can get the usual names that are also available to C programs. The linker will then put them into the appropriate interrupt vector slots. Note that they must be declared .global in order to be acceptable for this purpose. This will only work if <avr/io.h> has been included. Note that the assembler or linker have no chance to check the correct spelling of an interrupt function, so it should be double-checked. (When analyzing the resulting object file using avr-objdump or avr-nm, a name like __vector_N should appear, with N being a small integer number.)

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Note [8]

As explained in the section about special function registers, the actual IO port address should be obtained using the macro _SFR_IO_ADDR. (The AT90S1200 does not have RAM thus the memory-mapped approach to access the IO registers is not available. It would be slower than using in / out instructions anyway.) Since the operation to reload TCCNT0 is time-critical, it is even performed before saving SREG. Obviously, this requires that the instructions involved would not change any of the flag bits in SREG.

Note [9]

Interrupt routines must not clobber the global CPU state. Thus, it is usually necessary to save at least the state of the flag bits in SREG. (Note that this serves as an example here only since actually, all the following instructions would not modify SREG either, but that's not commonly the case.) Also, it must be made sure that registers used inside the interrupt routine do not conflict with those used outside. In the case of a RAM-less device like the AT90S1200, this can only be done by agreeing on a set of registers to be used exclusively inside the interrupt routine; there would not be any other chance to 'save' a register anywhere. If the interrupt routine is to be linked together with C modules, care must be taken to follow the register usage guidelines imposed by the C compiler. Also, any register modified inside the interrupt sevice needs to be saved, usually on the stack.

Note [10]

As explained in Interrupts, a global 'catch-all' interrupt handler that gets all unassigned interrupt vectors can be installed using the name __vector_default. This must be .global, and obviously, should end in a reti instruction. (By default, a jump to location 0 would be implied instead.)


AVR chips can be programmed using a variety of hardware from a simple serial cable to a dedicated AVR programmer and development station.

While each of these methods has it's own benefits and drawbacks, I will focus on using an Arduino.

The Arduino is a large micro-controller prototyping platform. Arduino Uno has its IO pins broken out with headers attached. It is fully contained with all the needed parts to run the on board micro-controller such as a crystal and power supply regulation. It also has its own IDE and programming language that is quite similar to C. Using a program, it can be used to flash new software onto AVR chips.

Avr Gcc Example Programming

The IDE includes a program called ArduinoISP that is supposed to do just that. Unfortunately, it is very finicky and rarely works with some models of Arduino. A variant on the program made by Adafruit that works more consistently can be found at this location.

Gcc Compiler Example

If you are using Arduino Uno, then I recommend the latter program as I had much trouble with the official one.